Getting started¶

🚀 Installation methods¶

There are two ways this project can be used. Please select one of the following installation methods:


Composer (recommended)

This is the most convenient and best performing way.

It requires Composer and PHP to be installed on your computer. If you don’t have them installed, you can still use the alternative method with Docker.

Start using Composer

_images/docker.png _images/docker-white.png


Use this method if you cannot meet all requirements of the recommended way using Composer. This might be the case if you don’t have Composer or PHP installed or if any of the installed versions are outdated.

The only requirement with this method is a local Docker installation.

Start using Docker

📦 Project templates¶

Every project is created from a project template. Templates are distributed as Composer packages. They can be published in various ways:

  • Public Composer package on Packagist

  • Composer package on other Composer registries, e.g. self-hosted Satis

  • VCS repository, e.g. GitHub or GitLab

Every package contains a various set of project template files. During project creation, these templates are filled with information from the generation process.

Available packages¶

The following public project templates are currently available:

_images/typo3.svg _images/typo3-white.svg

TYPO3 CMS project

A complete template for new TYPO3 CMS projects, including a ready-to-use DDEV configuration and basic configuration for deployment with Deployer.

Package name: cpsit/typo3-project-template

See also

Explore all publicly available project templates on Packagist.


If you want your project template to be listed here, feel free to submit a pull request.