
The project build process is a complex construct. It is meant to match as many needs as possible. Therefore, it provides convenient ways for customization. However, some use cases may not always be configurable, for example if an interaction should be possible on failed build steps only.

For this, the project builder provides an event-driven interaction system. On several points in the project build lifecycle custom events are dispatched. They contain information about the current process and thus enable its modification.

Dispatched events

The following events are currently dispatched:

  • ProjectBuildStartedEvent is dispatched after the user selected a project type to be generated. The event provides all necessary build instructions.

  • ProjectBuildFinishedEvent is dispatched once the whole project build process is finished. It provides the build result containing all processed build steps and the final result.

  • BuildInstructionCollectedEvent is dispatched when a collected build instruction is about to be applied to the build result. It allows to modify the instructed value by calling setValue().

  • BuildStepProcessedEvent is dispatched once a configured step is processed, either successfully or failing. The event provides information about the processed step and its result and process state.

  • BuildStepRevertedEvent is dispatched if a previously applied step is reverted.

  • BeforeTemplateRenderedEvent is dispatched once a Twig template rendering is requested. The event provides the current Twig environment as well as build instructions and prepared template variables. The latter can be modified by calling setVariables().

Event listeners

Once an event is dispatched, all registered event listeners will be called. An event listener can then perform the required interactions, based on the given event.

You can register your own event listener via service configuration. Tag the appropriate service with event.listener and provide additional metadata:

2  Vendor\Extension\Event\Listener\MyEventListener:
3    tags:
4      - name: event.listener
5        method: onBuildStepProcessed
6        event: CPSIT\ProjectBuilder\Event\BuildStepProcessedEvent

The appropriate listener class looks like the follows:

 1namespace Vendor\Extension\Event\Listener;
 3use CPSIT\ProjectBuilder\Event;
 5final class MyEventListener
 7    public function onBuildStepProcessed(Event\BuildStepProcessedEvent $event): void
 8    {
 9        // Do something...
10    }


You can also omit the method and event configuration if your event listener contains an __invoke method with the event type-hinted as first parameter:

2  Vendor\Extension\Event\Listener\MyEventListener:
3    tags: ['event.listener']
 1namespace Vendor\Extension\Event\Listener;
 3use CPSIT\ProjectBuilder\Event;
 5final class MyEventListener
 7    public function __invoke(Event\BuildStepProcessedEvent $event): void
 8    {
 9        // Do something...
10    }